korte krachttraining
bench: 10x4 6x50 3x6x60 2x70
squatmachine: 10x80 2x10x100 (explosief uit, 3 sec terug)
90-80-70 versnelling rustig
60-50-40 versnelling 90% + coast
6 x 30m startspelletje
300-200-150-200-300 200m wndrust (~= 3′)
(46.9 28.6 20.9 28.1 45.2)
150m te rustig aan gelopen als ik ‘t terugzie, had een 19-er moeten zijn.
Eddy van Oort op @ 10:41 ambank 10x40 8x50 3x6x60 1x70 0x75
squatmachine 10x70 2x8x100 6x120 , “diep”.
2 x 6 x 200m in estafette vorm, on flats
(30.6 30.0 30.5 30.3 32.2 31.3) (rust: 1:16 1:20 1:20 1:21 1:17)
23′ rust/medizin bal oefeningen
(33.3 32.3 32.1 31.9 31.9 31.0) (rust: 1:19 1:20 1:18 1:21 1:16)
Periodisering en sprinttraining deel 1
attr: Carlo Buzzichelli -- 2004.04.13Note from Elliott: This is an excerpt from a posting by Carlo Buzzichelli to the Yahoo Supertraining list.First I want to say that I am very glad to see that my friend Chris Comfort joined the list (hey Chris how is everything?).
Now to the questions:
Would it be to any advantage if I also used the dynamic effort method with resistances at an intensity level in between 50 - 60% 1rm at this early stage of the Macrocycle?
Carlo - IMO you either use OL or speed squats, in the case of sprinters I'd rather keep the squat (heavy) for training max./starting strength and OL for RFD.
Is three times a week of strength training while also performing about two high intensity track sessions a week too much for the CNS
Carlo - If you don't go to failure and keep volume low, there is no problem of CNS burnout.
Should the routine follow a western periodization style intensity progression?
C - In western periodization, the load goes up and the volume down as training progress, whereas sprinters need to increase speed-strength exercises percentage of total training more and more as they approach the competitive phase (max. strength exercise could be periodized in a western fashion, though). This A approach, successful coaches like Pfaff use speed-strength exercises from day one of preparation. Keep also in mind that strength training needs vary according to the athlete's age, qualification and weakness. E.g. a junior sprinter would have a longer general preparation phase and do more hypertrophy training compared to a mature sprinter; a strong sprinter who is slow at applying that strength on the track would work more on RFD and so on.
Would I be well advised to incorporate low intensity plyometrics already at this stage?
Carlo - Yes: phases are not clearcut, you always train the various qualities, just different emphasis in the form of percentage of total training and intensity.
Since pelvic stabilization is a main concern for sprinters would it make sense to perform isometric abdominal work like gymnasts do it? A possible exercise would be the hanging leg raises at different positions of contraction.
Carlo - I can tell you that since I started to use EMS (electrostim) in addition to weight training for my abs, strength has shoot up. Charlie Francis used to add EMS to weight training, too.
Here is an abstract of HSI Training, (BTW I am working on a book on Pfaff/Smith/Francis training methods):
- Greene weight trains four times per week from fall to later spring. Mon, tue, thu, Fri.
-Basic exercises like cleans, snatches and squats are used mostly
-Machines are seldomly used. Mo doesn't do singles, but triples as haeviest sets and isn't really very strong sprinter.(according to Smith)
-His best squat is 3x180kg(400lb)and clean 115-120kg(255-267lb)."More than actual boundages, I try emphasise and see how fast the bar is moving" says Smith.
-"We always lift before sprinting because sprinting comes naturally to these guys, lifting doesn't. In the gym as well as in other training too the main idea is to maintain and develop the natural explosiveness that these guys have."
-Typical training week work loads are:
(hard-hard-very easy-easy-hard-1 to 2 days of rest) or (hard-easy-hard-easy-hard-1to2 days of rest) when peaking: (easy-semi hard-easy-semi hard-rest-rest-competition.)
-Typical week in late fall and early winter might be: (note that in this case there wouldn't be any indoor races)
Weights mon, tue, thu, fri. Massage mon, wed, fri
Mon 5x300(45,44,43) 4-6min rest. intensity rises so that at the end of this 6-8week phase session is 3x300(39-36 sek) with 4min rest.
Tue technique, drills, starts(easy session)
Wed 6x150 at the end of the phase 3x150. in this session every sprinter has something to concentrate in his/hers technique. e.g. position of head while sprinting.
Fri technique drill etc. (easy session)
Sat+sun. rest
- Example of training week in late spring:
weights and massage days as in previous phase.
Mon 300m 33, 200m 21, 100m 10,5 10min rests
Tue starts
Wed 4x150m 15 sek 6-8min rest
Thu starts
Fri 5-6x 80m eccelerating
-Example of Cometitive Season training week
Mon 30-40m drills (concentrating on fluent ROM and explosiveness)
Tue starts
Wed 60-80m accelerating (according to feeling)
Thu rest
Fri starts
Sat and Sun rest or race
Carlo Buzzichelli
Siena, Italy